Up to £3k Saved a Year on Washroom Consumables
Since upgrading their washroom dispensers to k-One systems, Littleover Community School have recorded an average saving of £2,000 -£3,000 a year on paper consumables.
Littleover Community School is a large secondary school with over 1800 pupils and 250 members of staff. Before being contacted by Knighton the school was using blue paper towel and dual toilet roll dispensers, but found the towels often came out 3 or 4 at a time and students could sometimes unravel lots, if not all, of the toilet rolls.
After taking over as site manager in 2019, Bradley Wilson was approached by Knighton Janitorial to discuss their range of washroom dispenser systems and ways to help the school save money and reduce waste.

The idea of switching to dispensers that allowed a single sheet to be dispensed at a time, coupled with the option of a two week trial, seemed ideal for the school.
At the end of the trial period positive feedback was received from staff and students and the decision made to replace all dispensers across the full site.

“In the first few weeks after the install it was evident that there was great reduction in waste and misuse, due to the single sheet system preventing multiple towels coming out at the same time and toilet rolls being unravelled.
As a result of this change and waste reduction, over the year it has saved the school on average between £2000 and £3000 since these dispensers were installed.
Knighton have a good range of products to suit all work environments and the trial is a great initiative to help see the products in their intended environment before committing to a full site replacement.
To accommodate us, the Knighton engineers came in during a school holiday and carried out the installation quickly and professionally in just 2 days.”
Bradley Wilson, Site Manager, Littleover Community School